Intercessions for 5th January 2003
The bidding for our prayers is: -Lord have mercy upon us, and the response: -Christ have mercy upon us
Almighty and everlasting God, creator of time and space of season and epoch, of birth and evolution of both living creatures and galaxies alike, hear us as we humbly come before you as we mark our brief passage of time as another year dawns. We have heard the Christmas story, about how you, Father, came to live among us. As we try to understand what this means in our lives we pray that you will guide us in our requests for others in our prayers of intercession.
Lord have mercy upon us
Christ have mercy upon us
Lord have mercy upon us
Lord we thank you that you promised the possibility of making a fresh start at any time and not just as part of some half-considered new year resolutions. Help those who have recently made important decisions in their lives to see them through. Life is full of pressures which often pull and push us in directions we would, and should, not normally take. Give us strength of purpose and faith in you to take decisions seriously, to understand the consequences for others, as well as ourselves, and, always, to seek your guidance through prayer.
Lord have mercy upon us
Christ have mercy upon us
Lord have mercy upon us
At the start of this new year we are reminded of the worlds deafness to the message of peace sung by the Christmas angels. Preparations for war with Iraq rumble inexorably on with each new pronouncement on the seeking of a peaceful settlement. We also imagine how un-silent is life in today's Bethlehem with occupying tanks and curfews in place.
We pray for all caught up in conflict or its preparations. We think of British service men and women facing the uncertainty of action so far from home.
We pray especially for the work of the United Nations and their inspectors facing pressure from all sides to come up with the right answers on Iraq. Father, give strength and courage to all peacemakers that they will not be dissuaded from the difficult decisions needed to bring about an end to open conflict or acts of terrorism.
We pray for the new President of Kenya that he will have the courage and support to bring an end to corruption and waste in that country and for all leaders of developing nations who strive for justice and freedom for their citizens.
Lord have mercy upon us
Christ have mercy upon us
Lord have mercy upon us
We pray for this, our own, country with its cultural and ethnic diversity, for Queen Elizabeth, our head of state, her ministers and all in authority, that they will govern wisely and with due regard for the needs of all people.
We pray for all our people facing this New Year without some of the basics of life that we take so much for granted. We think of the homeless, the unemployed, the asylum seeker, the addict, the ex-prisoner. Lord Jesus who became a refugee from the oppression of Herod be with all those who find themselves marginalised from our affluent society. Support all who work through state and voluntary agencies to relieve their hardship and restore dignity.
Lord have mercy upon us
Christ have mercy upon us
Lord have mercy upon us
We pray for all families represented here today. Each one is made up differently and faces the normal ups and downs of family life in different ways. We remember that Jesus was born, nurtured and grew up in a family which would have known all the emotions that we know in ours. We pray that each family finds a place for that selfless love, revealed to us through the life, teachings and example of our Lord.
Lord have mercy upon us
Christ have mercy upon us
Lord have mercy upon us
We Pray for the world-wide church and pray especially for all peoples facing religious intolerance often by those who distort the teachings of their own faith for political ends.
We think now of our Church here at St. Mark's and our sister church in the partnership at Putnoe Heights. We pray for our ministers, Charlie, Joan and Sam. Guide and support our ministers, leadership team and all who lead, organize and contribute to the Church's vision of service and witness.
Lord have mercy upon us
Christ have mercy upon us
Lord have mercy upon us
We pray for the sick, both at home and in hospital, or hospice. We think of the elderly, the housebound and those in care homes. And we pray for all who care to their needs, both professionally and in the family. Lord Jesus who responded to the needs of all those who had faith; comfort and sustain those who are in need of your grace at this time. As we share a moment of silence together, we bring before you those known only to ourselves and name them in our hearts.
Lord have mercy upon us
Christ have mercy upon us
Lord have mercy upon us
Especially do we pray for those who mourn the loss of loved ones, whether recently or some time ago. Let the knowledge of your resurrection in glory be comfort to all those who mourn.
Jesus Christ is the Light of the World, a light which no darkness can quench. We remember before God those who have died and light a candle to symbolise the light of Christ which eternally shines and brings hope.
Today we remember: - Fiona.
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You turn our darkness into light, |
Lord have mercy upon us
Christ have mercy upon us
Lord have mercy upon us
A final prayer for ourselves: - Let the songs of the angels, the worship of the shepherds and the questing faith of the magi remind us, this Christmas tide, that the Christ child came for the sake of each of us.
Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ, Amen
Gathering our prayers and praises into one, let us pray with confidence as our Saviour has taught us.
Our Father in Heaven,
Hallowed be your name
Your kingdom come, your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread, forgive us our sins.
As we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom the power and the glory are yours,
Now and forever.