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Christianity, what does it mean?

This is a new section which we hope will answer some of your questions about the Christian and church life:

  • why do we do certain things (pray, give, go to church, study the Bible, etc)?
  • What's the meaning of some of those words used in church or in 'religious' books (intercession, sanctification, repentance, sin, tithing, etc)?
  • why the church does certain things ('fancy-dress' for the clergy; use different colours at different times, etc) ?
  • what does it mean to be a Christian, and what happens next?

As you can see, this is very ambitious and won't be accomplished in an instant, but do check back and see what you find. Let us know if it's helpful, or if there is something you would like particularly like us to cover.

This part of the site is intended to throw light on some of the words used in Christian circles. Sometimes these words are in common use, but we don't stop to think about what they actually mean or where they have come from. Some are not so common but have important meanings.

Copyright: We are grateful to the BBC for the use of some material from their outstanding religion and ethics website

What is a Christian ?