The Bible
The English word Bible, is taken from the Greek word Biblia which means
For Christians , the Hebrew Scriptures (Tanakh) have been recognised as
the Old Testament. Christians have disagreed as to the complete number of
books to include. Protestants and Catholics disagree over books called the
Apocrypha, although the Old King James Bible of 1611 used to have the
Apocrypha between the Old and New.
The Hebrew Scriptures were in a collected form probably some 200 years
before Jesus. We can read in the New Testament that Jesus and the Apostles
regarded the scriptures as being important words of faith. It is
explicitly seen in 2 Timothy 3:16, when speaking of the Hebrew Scriptures,
the writer claims that it is inspired by God and useful for teaching,
reproof and correction. Then in 2 Peter 1:21 we read 'No prophecy ever
came by the will of man, but men spoke from God, being moved by the Holy
The New Testament Scriptures were produced as a result of the life of
Jesus. Some Jews believed that Jesus was the Messiah promised in the
Scriptures and it was therefore important to recognise that an end of the
old age had come and the beginning of something new had started which
needed another collection of sacred writings. At first it was not a
problem, there was no real need to write anything down because Jesus was
going to come back very soon . But then it became vital to make record
following the death of eyewitnesses. The other big reason of course was
that people started to disagree on important details of theology
concerning who Jesus was etc. Hence it was important to have a written
record to attack heretics (such as Marcion the Gnostic).
Lets think how the New Testament came about.
What we have as a New Testament today is a relatively late invention,
indeed it is only the invention of the printing press which has caused the
Bible to be thought of a single book, rather than a collection of lots of
different books, with different types of writing.
First of all the stories were transmitted orally. The Christians were Jews
and they had the canon (rule) of the Jewish Scriptures- law, prophets etc.
Then they passed on stories about Jesus verbally. The first writing to
appear were letters written by people like the Apostle Paul to give
pastoral guidance or to correct false teaching (eg Galatians). He would
have not thought of his words being enshrined as Holy Scripture, perhaps
if he had he would have chosen his words more carefully !
Next came the written Gospels about the life of Jesus.
The 27 books of the New Testament are largely separate works by different
authors, composed in their own time and place for their own particular
purpose. The joke is told of the American Senator who extolled the virtues
of the English Language saying ‘if English was good enough for Jesus
Christ then it’s good enough for me.’
The point of the joke being that Jesus spoke in Aramaic, his words were
written in Greek and now we have at best a translation. The books of the
New Testament were not written in a heavenly language and delivered by
angels, they were written in the Greek language of the first century AD.
The last decades have seen numerous translations made, often getting rid
of the old words of the Authorised Version. Some have even changed the
words completely to make doctrinal points, such as deleting the masculine
language, or changing the use of the word ‘virgin’ when used of Mary. We
also do well to remember that for Roman Catholics the Bible includes many
more books, the Apocrypha.
Another important point to consider is that what we call ‘scripture’, was
only decided gradually. The church, viewed as a whole, managed for four
centuries or so without the NT as we know it today. It was only at the end
of the second century that there was acceptance in a number of major
Christian centres (eg Rome, Alexandria) of something close to the present
collection (four gospels, Acts, Paul’s and other letters). The church
managed without a fully formed and authorized New Testament for its first
few centuries.
The first canon of books was probably compiled by the Heretic Marcion in
the middle of the second century. It included Luke and 10 Pauline letters
which he purged of Jewish traits. A complicated process ensued and at the
end of the second century there was broad agreement. There was some
disagreement throughout the church especially concerning the Didache,
Shephard of Hermas, Apocalypse of Peter. Hebrews was often omitted and
also Revelation was often excluded in the fourth and fifth century. The
Western Church was silent about James until the second half of the fourth
The first official document which mentions the 27 books of the New
Testament as alone canonical is Athanasius's Easter Letter for the year
367, but the process was not complete everywhere for another 150 years.
We must also remember that the New Testament as we have it, includes not
just the oldest books, but only a selection of them. There were numerous
other writings, from the second century, if not from the first, because
copies of them have survived, often in fragments and extracts. Some of
them indeed are at least as old as writings included in the New Testament
itself. They were chosen not just on the basis of antiquity, but also
popularity and usefulness and especially the attachment of an apostolic
name, the name of one of the earliest Christian leaders. They were
increasingly venerated as authorities, perhaps as martyrs, certainly as
close to Jesus. These two factors were not wholly distinct: indeed it
looks as if a bid could be made for the authoritativeness of a writing by
attaching to it an apostle’s name, whether Paul or Peter or John.
In this very human and political process of deciding which books to call
scripture and which to ignore, some Gospels were actually left out. The
picture below shows a window at Chartres Cathedral, with details of Jesus’
family, birth, and childhood drawn from the Protevangelium of James (2
cent.). It has important details from Jesus life, some of which the church
found convenient to be able to leave out.
I have said that the Bible is made up of many different books. Some of
these books were poetry and songs, like the Book of Psalms, they include
details which are clearly not meant to be taken literally, such as
describing the mountains clapping their hands. Other books are full of
religious laws which were written in a particular context and so we feel
able to ignore them. We no longer obey the commandment that the Sabbath
should be a day of rest, and we do not feel a compulsion to stone people
to death for breaking this or a whole range of other religious laws
commanded by God through Moses.