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notre dame montreal


13th January 2002

Almighty and everlasting God, creator of all that amazes us, from the scale of the Himalayas to the learning power of a child. Into this wonder you have set us to be your people and to hold your creation in trust for those yet to come. Forgive us therefore if things seem too much to cope with, like when creation bites back or more likely when we've gone and got it all wrong, again, or there are things we just don't yet fully understand. 

Help us, loving Lord, in all humility, to call upon you through prayer and to learn your ways for us, for you are always more ready to listen than we are to pray, and you give more than we desire or deserve.

Lord, have mercy upon us,
Christ, have mercy upon us,
Lord, have mercy upon us.

We pray for peace in our world. As we prayed for peace last week and the week before so we bring to your throne of peace all those trouble spots in our world where humankind has not learnt to live in harmony with its neighbours. 

We pray for Afghanistan and its fledgling government, for India and Pakistan that the war of words between them becomes a torrent of blessings. 

As today we remember the baptism of Jesus in the River Jordan we pray for Jew and Palestinian separated by that river and pray that a dove of peace will descend in that region again. 

We think of Zimbabwe and the road it is taking away from a free democracy. 

And on our own doorstep the racial/sectarian/tribal conflicts go on in Northern Ireland with the media running out of adjectives to describe the situation.

Support and give wisdom to all who are called to mediate in any conflict, that all parties may be steered towards the ways of peace and just settlements. Help us to keep in touch with the world about us, by using the many means at our disposal, but not to get overburdened with a sense of powerlessness or despair at the magnitude of the issues. 

Guide and utilise our abilities to sow the seeds of peace in our daily lives for that is where world peace starts.

Lord, have mercy upon us,
Christ, have mercy upon us,
Lord, have mercy upon us.

We pray for our Queen, as head of state, and her ministers that they will govern wisely and with due consideration to justice and mercy. 

We pray for all elected representatives that they continue to listen to those who voted for them and not just the wishes of party or powerful interest groups. 

We pray for the Lawmakers, the Judiciary and the Police, Prison and Probation Services as they wrestle with the complex problems of Crime and Punishment, things on which everyone has a view. Support those who deal with the aftermath of crime both with victim and perpetrator and the striking of the balance between justice and mercy, punishment and rehabilitation.and public expectations. For you Lord showed that no one is beyond your redemption.

We pray for our industrial society in Britain today especially with the present unrest in our railways. Help all leaders in industry and commerce to work across divisions to seek just and equitable solutions.

We pray for our caring professions at this busy time of year with many hospitals on 'Red Alert'. Give all involved a sense of patience, understanding and flexibility at times of crisis. Help us take every opportunity to let the Carers in our society know and understand the appreciation and esteem in which they are held.

Lord, have mercy upon us,
Christ, have mercy upon us,
Lord, have mercy upon us.

We think now of our Church here at St. Marks and our sister Church at Putnoe Heights. Let our churches continue to be open to all who seek after God's truth revealed through his Son Jesus Christ and that here, all may find a welcome in his name. 

We give thanks for the devotion and diligence of our ministerial and lay teams who ensure that services are planned and the buildings are maintained. 

Give all who give of their time and talents in service to your church here on earth, a certain knowledge that they share in a work of divine purpose and of incalculable worth.

Lord, have mercy upon us,
Christ, have mercy upon us,
Lord, have mercy upon us.

We pray for the sick, both at home and in hospital or hospice. We think of the elderly, the housebound and those in care homes. 

Lord Jesus who responded to the needs of all those who had faith; comfort and sustain those who are in need of your grace at this time. As we share a moment of silence together, we bring before you those known only to us and name them in our hearts.

Lord, have mercy upon us,
Christ, have mercy upon us,
Lord, have mercy upon us.

Especially do we pray for those who mourn the loss of loved ones, whether recent or long ago. Let the knowledge of your resurrection in glory be comfort to all those who mourn.

Jesus Christ is the Light of the World, a light which no darkness can quench. We remember before God those who have died and light a candle to symbolise the light of Christ which eternally shines and brings hope.

picture of candle

You turn our darkness into light,
in your light shall we see light.

Lord, have mercy upon us,
Christ, have mercy upon us,
Lord, have mercy upon us.

A final prayer for ourselves: - Help us, by our faithfulness to you, to bring forth justice; and not to falter or be discouraged until your peace has been established in all the earth.

Merciful Father,

accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.

Gathering our prayers and praises into one, let us pray with confidence as our Saviour has taught us.

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, Your kingdom come, your will be done, On earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours Now and for ever. Amen.

Sermon and Bible Notes and Readings for 13th January 2002.

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