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Prayers for Harvest, Ordinary 26 Year B 2012

The bidding for our prayers is Lord in your Mercy and the response is “Hear our prayer”

Let us pray

God of love we come before you today to  give you thanks for your gifts in creation, for our world, and the heavens which tell of your glory, for our land, its beauty and its resources.
We give praise that once again your promise has been fulfilled and the seedtime and harvest have not ceased
We pray for all those who make decisions about the resources of the earth and ask that we may all use your gifts responsibly and with thought for others.
For those who work on land and sea, in city and in Industry that we may enjoy the fruits of their labours and marvel at your creation, for, scientists, inventors for those in medical science that through their work and human ingenuity we may seek to develop your world for the good of all.  

God of Love we remember today all those who strive to keep the peace and bring stability to your world so that we all may share in your bounteous gifts to us, for leaders and governments, for the United Nations for Aid agencies, for our armed forces, we pray that you will help them all to be alive to your vision for the world, without which society loses its direction and ignores your deep desire for us to live in peace and love for one another.

We pray for the church both here and at Putnoe Heights, for our ministers, leaders and congregations  and as we seek to bring your word to others we give you thanks that you have called us together to celebrate your creation here today
Lord in your mercy

God of Love, we thank you for giving us life and for all who enrich our experience.
We pray today for all who through no fault of their own are deprived of their Harvest, and the necessities of life which we so often take for granted,today we especially give thanks for the work of “ BECHAR and we pray that these gifts will provide sustenance to those in need and reassurance that they are loved and cared for
We pray for those who are sick, especially those whose illness is long term and demands much patience to bear.
We remember  those who are lonely and depressed and pray that we may be good listeners when friends and neighbours need  us, give us the right words to comfort, and help us to know what simple acts of kindness may help someone else.
Lord in you mercy

God of Love  we pray for those whose hearts have been saddened by the loss of someone close and dear to them, for members of our families and friends who have died.
Help us to experience the comfort of the Holy Spirit within us, and the fellowship of the church family around us until we are reunited once more in your heavenly kingdom.
Jesus Christ is the light of the world a light that no darkness can quench we remember before God those who have died and light a candle to symbolise the light of Christ which eternally shines and brings hope

We remember
Alison Holden
Nicholas Dawson-Taylor

You turn our darkness into light in your light shall we see light

Lord in your Mercy

God of love
as we go out into your world today may we remember that as you so freely gave of yourself help us all to use our God-given gifts freely in the service of others and to do so with joy in our hearts.

Merciful Father Accept these prayers for the sake of your son our Saviour Jesus Christ Amen

We will now say together the Lords prayer