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Harvest Festival Prayers for Harvest 2004

The bidding for our prayers is Lord in your Mercy and the response is “Hear our prayer”

Let us pray

God of love we give you thanks for your gifts in creation, for our world, and the heavens which tell of your glory, for our land, its beauty and its resources and for the rich heritage we enjoy. We give praise that once again your promise has been fulfilled and the seedtime and harvest have not ceased

We pray for all those who make decisions about the resources of the earth and ask that that we may all use your gifts responsibly and with thought for others. For those who work on land and sea, in city and in Industry that we may enjoy the fruits of their labours and marvel at your creation, for, scientists, inventors and visionaries that through their work and human ingenuity we may seek to develop your world for the good of all.

We pray for those in politics, medical science, social and relief work and for your church as we seek to bring life to others and give you thanks that you have called us to celebrate your creation here today

Lord in your mercy

God of Love, we thank you for giving us life and for all who enrich our experience. We pray today for all who through no fault of their own are deprived of their Harvest, and the necessities of life which we so often take for granted, today we especially give thanks for the work of “ Faith in Action” and their Well project in Malawi and we remember all in our own church who have given so generously to make this project an overwhelming success.

We pray today for those who are ill whether in body mind or spirit we remember those who are bereaved that in the midst of their loss, pain and suffering that they would know the depths of your love for them .

Jesus Christ is the light of the world a light that no darkness can quench we remember before God those who have died and light a candle to symbolise the light of Christ which eternally shines and brings hope

We remember

Alfred George “Jeff” Britton

You turn our darkness into light in your light shall we see light

Lord in your Mercy

God of love as we go out into your world today let us remember your goodness make us grateful also for all we have received from the labour of other who have sown the seeds of faith hope and love in our lives

Merciful Father Accept these prayers for the sake of your son our Saviour Jesus Christ Amen

We will now say together the Lords prayer as printed on page 6 of your service booklet