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St Albans Diocese Crest

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Christian worship, sermons, prayer and Bible study from
St. Mark's Church and Putnoe Heights Church, Bedford, England - The world is our parish

Intercessions for 7 May Easter 5

By Mr Ian Farthing

The Bidding for our prayers is Lord in your mercy and the response is hear our prayer

Heavenly father we come before you with thanksgiving for all your mercy, and your grace , for the beauty and wonder of the world around us as we bring to your our love devotion, thanks and praise. We thank you that the way to your presence is always open through Jesus Christ and that you invite us to draw near in full assurance of faith. Help us to pray simply, sincerely, unselfishly and gratefully as we remember the needs of others as well as our own .

Lord in you mercy

Father as we pray for your blessing to rest upon this Church , we are grateful for its worship, and fellowship, for the care and teaching of children and young people, for its nurture and love. Help us to see the kind of church needed in the world today and we pray that all of our leaders, Bishops and Chairman may have vision, insight and understanding of your will to bring this about..
Hold before us the vision of your kingdom a kingdom of justice and mercy, truth and compassion. Help us to grasp the meaning of your gospel which you have entrusted to us and give us the grace to live by it. .

Lord in your mercy

Father we bring to you the stewardship of the worlds resources all discussions and councils where far reaching decisions are made concerning government, conservation, international relationships and fighting diseases and ask that you generous will prevail over human greed and prejudice. We pray for peace in the world, for countries where there is war and for places where there is hatred between races and religions. We pray for all who bear the heavy responsibility of leadership amongst the nations of the world, give them wisdom to know and courage to do what is right as they try to find the path of truth freedom and peace which is your will

Lord in your mercy

Heavenly Father whose compassion does not fail we bring to you the sufferings of all humankind, the despair of the homeless, the sighing of prisoners especially of those held unjustly, the pains of the sick and the injured, the helplessness of the aged and the frail. In your great mercy comfort and relieve them Father according to their needs and may they drawn strength that you are with them in all their troubles.

Father we thank you for the promise of eternal life and the hope of glory and commend to your everlasting love and care those who have died.

Jesus Christ is the light of the world a light which no darkness can quench we remember before God those who have died and light a candle to symbolise the light of Christ which eternally shines and brings hope we remember.

Sam Johnson

You turn our darkness into light in your light shall we see light

Lord in your mercy

Lastly Father we pray for ourselves, you know the needs of human life. We ask you to help us as we seek to lives out r lives according to your example, Help us by your presence to overcome the hasty speech that hurts others, to be free from greed and selfishness, form pride and jealousy that spoil our life. Help us to curb our temper to be free from moodiness and wanting our own way, let your presence help us to care about the feelings of other to be gentle and ready to say sorry. You know us lord bring out the best in us so that our lives may be a living testament of your will for your world

Merciful Father accept these prayers for the sake of your son our saviour Jesus Christ