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Church Prayers for 13 May 2012

Prayers of Intercession Easter 7 Year B 2012

From Mrs Sue Allen

Heavenly Father, we bring before you now our concerns for ourselves and for others, our hopes for the coming week and for the future. We pray, not out of duty or habit but in the certainty that you listen and hear us. Help us clear our minds of all the clutter from the past week, help us to focus on you. Lord, breathe the life and energy of the Holy Spirit into our lives that we may expand our vision and come to know you better,  to take new steps in faith and witness. Open wide the window of our spirit, Lord, and fill us full of light. Open wide the door of our hearts that we may let you in.
Lord, in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.

Let us pray for people and places in all kinds of need.
We pray for the parts of the world where life is a daily struggle for survival against war, famine, disease or the cruel, selfish or thoughtless behaviour of others. We pray for the peacemakers and the relief workers who work to improve the lives of the poor and the oppressed. Today we remember the ongoing work of mission here at Putnoe Heights bringing to our attention the needs of communities throughout the world and we pray especially for the work of Christian Aid as collectors go out into the community this week. Lord, it is too easy to ignore the imbalance of the world’s riches. Help us always to be mindful of the needs of the world.
We pray for our own country and for freedom from poverty and social injustice, freedom from crime and for peaceful living in our neighbourhood. We remember all victims of violent crime.
Lord, in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.

We pray for the children with us today and for all children. Lord, lead them day by day  in your ways, keep them safe from harm and temptation, protect them from danger. Grant them patience and cheerfulness and enthusiasm in all the lessons they must learn as they grow.

Lord, in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.

We pray for the Church throughout the world.  For all the different denominations with diverse styles of worship Help us all to understand each other better that divisions may be healed and we may be one as brothers and sisters in Christ. Strengthen your church to go forward in faith and unity to continue the work of Christ here on earth. We pray for Putnoe Heights and St. Mark's and give you thanks for our leaders and clergy who encourage us in worship and seek to meet our needs in spiritual growth; particularly at this time we pray for the Upgrade 2012 Project at Putnoe as we seek to make our premises worthy to be called a House of God. We give thanks for the fellowship we find here and all the opportunities we have for sharing the Holy Spirit and for pastoral care for each other.

Lord, in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.

We thank you Father for your many miracles of healing, and we pray for all who work with the sick, with all who are lonely and housebound. We name in our hearts those we love who are in need of your healing touch. We pray that your blessing be upon them and those who love and care for them and we pray that they may find  peace and comfort in their troubles, that their sorrows and concerns will be relieved, and that they may find fellowship with you .
Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer


We remember those who we love but see no longer. Almighty Father, be with all those who are grieving today over the loss of a loved one.
Jesus Christ is the light of the world, a light which no darkness can quench. We remember before God those who have died and light a candle to symbolise the light of Christ, which eternally shines and brings hope. We remember

Merciful father, accept these prayers………….......................................................................