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Prayers of Intercession 17 April 2005

Lord of the universe. we praise you for your creation: for the wonder of space, the beauty of the world and the value of earth's resources. Keep us from despoiling these, the glory of your name.
Lord in your mercy:- Hear our prayer

Our attention has been drawn to our Royal family and the members of Parliament over the last few days .

A Prayer for the Royal Family

Dear God our Father, we thank you for the blessings of our country and for the freedom which we enjoy.
We pray for our Queen and her family, and for those who govern in her name.
Give them health and strength, wisdom and courage, so that they may carry out their many duties in the best interests of all our people.
Let all who have power remember that they are your servants, and that your Son came to serve rather than to be served. We ask this in his name, Jesus Christ, our Lord.
Lord in your mercy:- Hear our prayer.

A Prayer for world peace

We praise you, Lord, that you came to this world to bring peace on earth.
We pray that the leaders of the nations and people everywhere may turn to you, the Prince of Peace, so that war and terror, cruelty and hatred may end, and peace and justice, kindness and love may reign.
We ask this so that your will may be done on earth as it is in heaven, for your name's sake.
Lord in your mercy: Hear our prayer.

A Prayer for our witness in our local community

Lord of all grace and truth, who came to live among people in your own town of Nazareth, we pray that you will give us grace to live in our own communities of Putnoe and Brickhill as salt to purify them, and as light to reveal your truth.
May we not be ashamed to acknowledge you as our Saviour; and may we learn so to
and honour all people, that peace and good will may prevail among us; for your
name’s sake.
Lord in your mercy: Hear our prayer.

A Prayer for young people

We think now of our young people. We pray our Father, for the young people of our church.
Help us who are older to remember the adventure and joy of youth as well as the
temptation and frustrations; and enable us to help all our young people by our prayers, our example, and our friendship.
Help them to respond to the love of Jesus, to yield to him their allegiance, and to serve him as Lord and Saviour all their days; for his name's sake.
Lord in your mercy:- Hear our prayer.

We have thought of our own young people, a prayer now written by a girl of twelve for those who are sick and their carers:

Heavenly Father, help all the people who are sick. Comfort them with your presence from day to day.
Help those who suffer from starvation or homelessness. Be with those in hospital who suffer mentally and physically. Be with those who care for the sick, especially the nurses and doctors, every day of their working lives. We ask this in your name.
Lord in your mercy: Hear our prayer

A Prayer for those who have died

We now remember before God those who have died, and light a candle to symbolise the light of Christ which eternally shines and brings hope. We remember:
You turn our darkness into light ,in your light we shall see light.
May the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God, rest in peace and rise in glory.

Some words of encouragement followed by the Lords Prayer:-

The Light of God surrounds us;
The Love of God enfolds us;
The Power of God protects us;
The Presence of God watches over us;
Wherever we are, God is.

The Lords prayer.