Church Prayers and Intercessions for Christmas Eve
By Mr Ian Farthing
Let us pray
On this holy night in which God joins heaven and earth, let us offer our prayers for the church, the world, and all those in need.
Let us pray for the Church around the world as it celebrates the birth of Christ.
Bless all those who are entrusted with Christian ministry that your Word might be proclaimed with truth and courage across our world.
Bestow your wisdom on all who govern, that in honouring the earth and its diverse races, cultures, and religions, we may celebrate the light of this holy night.
Grant reconciliation to those besought with conflict and violence, that they may live in the peace of this holy night.
Lord in your Mercy
Let us pray for all who are cold, hungry, or alone this night.
Embrace with your tender care all who wander alone or have no place to lay their head, they may experience the hope of this holy night.
Let us pray for all who are anxious, depressed, or ill. Draw near to those who find this season a source of pain or grief, and to all who are suffering or sick, especially those we remember in our own hearts ... that they may feel the comfort of this holy night.
Lord in your mercy
Let us pray for parents, families, and children. Strengthen families in the bonds of love and commitment, that our homes might be places of joy and peace.
Let us pray for ourselves and for the blessings of Christmas. Open our hearts to your presence, that we may be transformed by the new birth of this holy night.
Let us give thanks for all our loved ones from whom we are parted this Christmas. Give us grace to entrust those who have passed before us into tender loving care, that we might join with them in singing your praises this holy night.
May God grant unto us whatever we need that we might serve him in showing his love and compassion to our world, allowing the light of God to illuminate the dark places with grace and truth.
Merciful father accept these prayers for the sake of your son our Saviour Jesus Christ Amen
We will now sing together the Lords Prayer which you can find in your service sheet