11th August 2002
Let us pray:-
Lord we come into your house, our home, once more to give thanks, for earth and sea and sky in harmony of colour. We thank you for the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat.
O Lord you created the church: fill it with your own gift of Love. We pray for all church leaders, especially for Charlie and Sam.
We pray for all who are in positions of authority and all those who offer their services in various ways in the Service of Christ. We thank you for giving us different abilities, and offer them back to you and ask that we may never lose the opportunities we have of using them in your service.
Lord have mercy
Christ have mercy
Lord have mercy
We pray for the governments of the world, and all the world leaders, that they may uphold what is right for peaceful union between all countries.
We acknowledge with shame and sorrow all the sin, hatred and injustice which have led and still lead to violence and war.
Lord give us grace to be peacemakers. We pray for all who are engaged in bringing relief to communities which are hit by war and poverty, injustice and neglect. We give thanks that there are people who are prepared to go to dangerous and far corners of the world to care for the sick and dying. Lord be with them and offer your helping hand to them in their endeavours.
Lord have mercy
Christ have mercy
Lord have mercy
Give grace to us, our families and friends, and to all our neighbours that we may serve Christ in one another and love as he loves us. Help us to make our homes patterns of your love, places of deep joy and peace, and unite us all, one to another in the circle of your love.
We pray especially at this time for Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman, and pray that they may be found safe and well, and be reunited with their families.
We pray for those among whom we live and work and we give thanks for those who are skilled, and those who risk their lives in the many and various ways in the service of mankind.
Lord have mercy
Christ have mercy
Lord have mercy
Jesus, healer of the sick, who raised the dead to live, we praise you for the faith you give us to keep on hoping and praying for those who are ill. In a moment of quietness, we name in our hearts, those we know or love who are ill at this time.
You know what is best for each person for whom we pray, so we leave the final outcome to your tender mercy.
Your healing of people was the centre of your earthly message. In the face of the most severe medical and psychological diagnoses, may we continue to pray for those who are seriously ill, and may your inner peace come to us all.
Lord have mercy
Christ have mercy
Lord have mercy
We remember in your presence those who have died in the faith of Christ. We give you thanks, Lord, for the memory of their words and deeds and for all they accomplished in their lifetime.
Jesus Christ is the light of the world - a light which no darkness can quench. We remember before God those who have died and we light a candle to symbolise the light of Christ which eternally shines and brings hope. We remember Trissie --
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You turn our darkness into light, |
Merciful Father, accept these prayers, for the sake of your Son, Our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen
Sermon: Walking on water and